15th annual workshop on the intersection of HCI and PL
@ Northeastern University, Boston MA USA
February 17-18, 2025
102 West Village H
PLATEAU will take place on the Northeastern University campus in
Boston, MA from February 17-18, 2025. Conference events will be held at West Village H in room #102.
Attending PLATEAU is free, and it is open to the public. To attend, please complete our
registration form.
We've reserved a block of rooms at the Marriott, Copley Place. The deadline to reserve a room is Wednesday, January 29th.
December 4th, 2024 (AoE time)
Paper Submission
February 17-18, 2025
Will Crichton
Brown University
Michael Coblenz
UC San Diego
Thomas D. LaToza
George Mason University
Joe Gibbs Politz
UC San Diego
Harry Goldstein
University of Maryland
Mark Guzdial
University of Michigan
Andrew Head
University of Pennsylvania
Tim Nelson
Brown University
Steve Oney
University of Michigan
Marsha Chechik
University of Toronto
Jon Bell
Northeastern University
Sarah E. Chasins
University of California, Berkeley
Elena Glassman
Harvard University
Joshua Sunshine
Carnegie Mellon University
Matthew Davis
Carnegie Mellon University
Sam Estep
Carnegie Mellon University
Hwei-Shin Harriman
Carnegie Mellon University
Jenny Liang
Carnegie Mellon University
Justin Lubin
University of California - Berkeley
Ian McCormack
Carnegie Mellon University
Raven Rothkopf
University of California - San Diego